Man accused of severely beating girlfriend’s twin boys
Hudson County NJ DCP&P Lawyers
A Hudson County man was recently arrested in Jersey City due to allegations of beating his girlfriend’s fourteen-month-old twin boys. On May 15, 2017, law enforcement received notification that two boys were admitted to Jersey City Medical Center with life threatening injuries. According to reports, one of the boys suffered a bruised kidney, multiple chest injuries, several broken bones, a lacerated liver and a blood clot. The other boy suffered a lacerated kidney, head trauma, chest injuries, and several cuts. According to reports, Terrance Pernell was responsible for taking care of the boys on the day they were injured between 11:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Following a two-month long investigation by the Hudson County Prosecutor’s office, Pernell has been arrested and charged with two counts of aggravated assault and endangering the welfare of a child.
Because Pernell was in a caretaking role at the time of the alleged incident, it is also likely that the Division of Child Protection and Permanency (“DCP&P”), formerly the Division of Youth and Family Services (“DYFS”) was also notified of this alleged incident. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 9:6-8.21(a), “parent or guardian” means any natural parent, adoptive parent, resource family parent, stepparent, paramour of a parent, or any person, who has assumed responsibility for the care, custody, or control of a child or upon whom there is a legal duty for such care. Parent or guardian includes a teacher, employee, or volunteer, whether compensated or uncompensated, of an institution who is responsible for the child’s welfare and any other staff person of an institution regardless of whether or not the person is responsible for the care or supervision of the child. Moreover, N.J.S.A. 9:6-8.21(c)(1) sets forth one of the many defined types of child abuse in that an “‘abused or neglected child’ means a child less than 18 years of age whose parent or guardian, as herein defined, (1) inflicts or allows to be inflicted upon such child physical injury by other than accidental means which causes or creates a substantial risk of death, or serious or protracted disfigurement, or protracted impairment of physical or emotional health or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily organ…”
New Jersey’s child abuse and neglect laws set forth many different definitions and scenarios that could potentially mean that a parent or guardian has perpetrated abuse or neglect, but certain cases are more clear-cut than others. In fact, many cases of alleged child abuse or neglect do not result from immediately obvious situations and sometimes DCP&P shows up at a family’s home or at a child’s school unannounced and without any warning. However, parents have rights in such situations and can protect themselves with an experienced DYFS defense lawyer who is familiar with New Jersey’s child abuse and neglect laws. If you or a loved one is currently dealing with DCP&P, either as part of an investigation or in court, don’t hesitate to contact the Tormey Law Firm at (908)-356-6900. Our team of child abuse and neglect defense lawyers are always available to discuss your case and help you fight to protect your rights.