Altercation at DCP&P Office Leads to Criminal Charges for Warren County Man
A Warren County man was recently arrested and charged with terroristic threats after an alleged altercation at a Division of Child Protection and Permanency (“DCP&P”) office. According to the Flemington Police Department, officers responded to the Hunterdon Local DCP&P Office after receiving reports that a man had threatened to shoot Division employees. Reportedly, there was a disagreement about a family issue between the man and child protective services workers and the man eventually stated that workers would be shot between 10 a.m. and noon. As a result of the allegation, authorities searched for the man and eventually arrested him. He now faces charges for terroristic threats.
This case is a prime example of how stressful dealing with DCP&P can be and how letting your emotions get the best of you can end very badly. The fact of the matter is that tempers can be tested when a parent’s children are the topic of discussion, especially if the Division is restricting a parent’s access to his or her children. However, it is important to always remember that the Division is responsible to ensure the safety and well-being of children and that, in the course of serving that function, DCP&P workers will view every action taken by a parent as an indication of whether that parent can appropriately care for children. In other words: dealing with DCP&P can easily become an uphill battle if a parent has arguments or threatens the family’s case worker. The bottom line is that having an experienced DCP&P defense attorney on your side while dealing with the Division can help you keep a level head.
The New Jersey DCP&P defense lawyers at the Tormey Law Firm are always available to help you with any level of child protective services involvement with your family. Whether you are being investigated by DYFS for child abuse or neglect, or you have already been named as a defendant on a Verified Complaint for Custody or Care and Supervision filed by DCP&P in Superior Court, the Tormey Law Firm can help. In fact, our team of child abuse and neglect defense attorneys includes a former Deputy Attorney General who represented the Division in child protective services and termination of parental rights litigation.
Contact us anytime if you are currently dealing with DCP&P in New Jersey. We can help you deal with the Division and avoid losing custody of your kids.